The second most asked question after why sailing, is Why Now? People want to know why we would drop everything and go now? After all we are well established in our careers. Some may think we have it made. It could appear we have come out on top. Why not just continue in our jobs and do this at 65? Why give up all we have worked so hard to establish?
We have had this desire to see the world for so long. We didn’t know how we were going to fit it in with the realities of life. But one of the realities of life that is under appreciated is the fact that we don’t come out alive. This has been ever evident in our life. From family members to friends we have had people leave this world all too young. Some expected and some unexpected.
(in sadness find happiness)
My mother in her early forties was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. This would make me early twenties I had 3 babies and three sisters still at home. She spent her forties being treated, recovering, and then doing it all again. During these quiet times between treatments and recovery we spent time talking. Talking about the future and the past. Happiness and regrets. She died 2 weeks before her 50th birthday. A brilliant, beautiful, adventurous woman spent her life loving her family and working hard. Putting off her dreams and desires to make everyone’s lives easier and better. In the end she really wished for me and my sisters to always do what made us happy. Do what fulfilled us. “Don’t waist all your time on silly things”. She really regretted all the time she spent stressing and making work more of a priority then other things. I know that the saying live, laugh, love has been over used but it truly is a special concept for our family. Live every moment, Laugh every day, Love beyond words.
5 years after my mom died on a sunny June afternoon, Sam’s dad unexpectedly left this world. Barely in his sixties. He was suppose to be retiring and enjoying life. He was suppose to be riding his Harley all over seeing new places and relaxing. He had been at that daily grind of work 9-5 with overtime since he was a young boy. Not taking care of himself he ended up with kidney failure due to diabetes. Although we new his life would be shorter we didn’t know it would be this short. Neither did he.
Just a few years ago Sam’s uncle died from cancer. We witness his valiant struggle with diagnosis, surgery, recover, and demise. He was only eleven years older then Sam. The answer to why now is resonating louder. Because, there isn’t time to sit around dreaming, when in the end our question to ourselves will be, why didn’t we.
We have had reminder after reminder that life is too short to lean on our dreams and not run with them. From personal injury to illness to early deaths we have been reminded that we still have a chance to do what we dream. So why now? Why not?