As the time gets closer to splash date the urgency to check projects off the list becomes critical. In 9 short weeks we will be leaving our beautiful small town life for one of exotic adventures. We have been busy bees getting projects wrapped up. Each and every tedious project.
We had a few projects that we had started in the winter that we got to a point we had to wait for the weather to warm up. One being the water maker and lines, check. Through holes either replacing or completely new holes, check. Receiving the dinghy motor we purchased months ago, check. Building dodger, check. Build the bimini, and other shade curtains and fix solar panels to it. Finish electrical and purchase batteries. Purchase safety gear. Install radio and communications. Register everything. Every time we turn around there is something else we think of. It can at times get very over whelming.
We raised the mast, checked the rigging and lines and sails. All look great. Score! As soon as the Bimini and sail bag are complete we can take the mast back down. At this point, even though the jobs seem simple they are not. Each one comes with it’s own set of challenges. They take time. But with challenges comes accomplishments. We are proud of the work we are doing. She is really looking good.
The excitement is building. It’s turning into reality and this dream is with in grasp. But with all the checks, has there been any balance? Why yes there has been. Although I said we had been working so hard to finish everything we did find time to take one last charter to the British Virgin Islands. This trip was slow and relaxing. Quiet even. The on going pandemic assured us of that. But what a beautiful time we had. Great to be back there and visit places we’ve been. Taking time to visit with the locals who were eager to share their stories of Irma and Maria, the pandemic, what resilient people. It was hard to come home but, in the end it was just the vacation we needed to get back to checking of the to do list.