We left our new Mexican friends at San Cosme and sailed over to Candeleros for the night. That is where we again caught up to Andy and Kathryn. Candeleros is a little bay providing us some Southern protection and there was rumor that the hotel would allow you to use their pool and have lunch for a small fee. Sounded like a nice luxurious time to swim in a fresh water pool.
As soon as Andy and Kathryn noticed that our anchor was down they radioed over. “Happy to see you but don’t try going a shore.” “Apparently they no longer want cruisers there any more.” We invite them over to give us the low down on what took place and also for dinner as it sounded like we weren’t going to be dining next to a pool any time soon.
Some where along the line something happened. It is un clear if an unfriendly cruiser made enemies or if it simply comes down to COVID and restrictions. There also just happened to be a very large yacht show up a few hours later that shuttled their people up to the beach. Any how we weren’t invited. Although Mexican law states that all the beaches up to a certain measurement are public we didn’t really feel like causing a scene and staid in the quiet and pretty comfortable cockpit of Hiraya.
Enjoying an eclectic dinner of cantaloupe and random left overs we chatted the night away. Watching the stars come out one by one and fully being grateful we are out here enjoying new friendships and new experiences. We are heading into Puerto Escondido Marina tomorrow along with Andy and Kathryn. We are also expecting to catch up with Fred on Kaylee and Rob on Chico Peludo.

The next morning as the sun was rising the bay became an eerie sight. There was a light fog in the air casting a shadow over the islands scattered between Candeleros and Puerto Escondido. We checked our charts again to be aware of the reefs that run through this area. Just a few days ago one of the super yachts ran over a marked reef tearing a huge hole in their hull and the locals are extremely upset.
The captain and first mate have been arrested and are awaiting trial. We don’t want to be the next transgressors so we study and study again. We also don’t want a huge hole in the bottom of our hull either. As we plot our course we get ready to pull anchor.
It’s an interesting sail between the islands with the wind directions changing very rapidly. After a while we drop sail and motor on in the Puerto Escondido. Fred meets us out in the mooring field and helps us grab a ball. He basically just hands us a line and we tie on. It is good to see him. We all head in for check in and grab wood fire pizza at the marina restaurant. It was delicious.
This is our first marina since La Paz and it is the most expensive to stay at. There was no way we were going to get a slip so the mooring ball works. Lucky for us you get the same amenities by being on the ball as you do by being in a slip. You just have a 5 minute dinghy ride in. By far the best amenity is the showers!!!! These are not your normal every day marina showers. These are cultured stone walls and tiled floors with hot water 60% of the time and French shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and lotion type of showers. All you need is a towel and maybe a change of clothes. Luxury at it’s finest.
Walking along the Palm tree lined Marina the birds are going wild. It must be matting season. So many tiny little song birds are making their nests and choosing their mates. The sun is warm on our skin. Kathryn is taking a trip home to visit family and we will stay keeping Andy company until her return. We plan to enjoy the Marina and city life to it’s fullest.